How to create a Drawdown PO
Drawdown POs (DPO) are for re-occurring purchases: service or goods provided in the same amount every month (or quarter, bi-weekly, etc.)
Receive DPOs ONLY when the supplier has provided services or goods, never pre-receive the PO in its entirety.
Always use a valid PO end date. Services for annual basis use 12.31.202x. If the DPO is for less than or greater than a year, use the expected end date.
Only use one line on Drawdown PO.
DPO Process
After logging into Oracle select the Purchase Requisition APP.
Confirm the Business Unit (BU) your require by selecting the pencil icon next to your name.
Select the BU you wish to create a DPO within
Select DPO from the Shop by Category
When creating a DPO for an annual basis use a description as such “Drawdown PO <<current year>>” to begin the item description.
The example below has “Drawdown PO 2024 for Landscaping services” as the Item Description.
Select appropriate Purchasing Category depending on the type of service you are creating the Drawdown PO for. For example, if the Drawdown PO is for landscaping, you will search by “FACILITY” select FACILITY.BUILDING AND GROUNDS MAINTENANCE.MULTIPLE CATEGORIES..
Enter the Amount of the expected spend during the DPO covered period. If you are creating it at the beginning of the year and you estimate spending $800 a month, enter 9600.00.
Enter the Supplier Name
If you are unsure of the supplier’s name, you can use the magnifying glass to perform a search
Enter part of the name in the keyword box and select Search
Choose the supplier’s name from the search results, select OK
If the supplier has only one site, it will automatically pull into the supplier site field.
If more than one site exists as shown in below example, select the site (city) displayed on the supplier invoice.
Enter the previous DPO if it is replacement from a prior year.
Select PO type DPO 202X - if you are creating for the following year, use that year.
Add an attachment by selecting the + sign, upload a file.
Review the DPO and select Add to Cart
Once added to cart, select the cart, and choose Review
Justification: Information for the approver(s). This field is only for the approvers and will not be transmitted to the vendor.
Requester: Enter name of person who request is for, this will determine the location and department
Need-By Date: Must be set to 31-Dec of current year.
Note To Supplier: If this PO is replacing another previous PO, enter “This PO replaces PO# xxxxxxxx.” This information will be on the PO for the supplier.
Update if needed:
Charge account
Deliver to location type
Deliver to location
Select Save, if you exit before submitting, the REQ will show in your queue as incomplete
If you select Manage Approvals, shows view the approval flow
Select Submit, this will route the requisition for approval
See attached word document if you wish to download for your records.